Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chapter 6 and 7 Notes

Source: Perspectives on Globalization (Chapters 6 & 7--pg. 116-157)

First, globalization is the process that’s making the people in the world more independent in the economy, socially, politically, in the environment and involving technology. I just needed to clarify that for myself.

Key Issue for Both Chapters:
To what extent should contemporary society respond to the legacies of historical globalization?

Chapter 6:
To what extent does cultural contact affect people?
-each culture has a different perspective or world view
-different cultures have different values, beliefs, and traditions that influence their thoughts and actions
Contact between indigenous peoples and Europeans involved trade of various things. Indigenous people offered things made from nature and the Europeans offered things like metal utensils. (pg. 120)

In what ways can cultural contact affect people?
-the Beothuk people became extinct by 1829
-the economy of the potlatch culture began to change--> they started to give non-renewable resources as gifts
-in 1884, the Canadian government banned potlatch
-residential schools became a thing of the now
-in some cases, the Europeans wanted to get rid of specific cultures altogether

Can the effects of cultural contact still be felt years later?
-Sudan---In the 1890s, Sudan was given a closed door policy between the north and south. Both Britain and Egypt controlled the land. In 1956, Sudan gained independence from both Britain and Egypt. The door is opened and the government is controlled by the Arabs. They impose Islamic value throughout. The first civil war stretched from 1950s-1970s. The second has been waging since 1980, and hasn’t stopped yet. The Arab government has been accused of genocide.

Chapter 7:
What were the beginnings of global trading networks?
-the Silk Road---a network of trails that stretched from the Roman Empire to China
-goods were transported to various strategically placed trading posts
-it was kind of like a wire system--many contacts were established in diverse places and cultures
-knowledge, inventions, religious beliefs, artistic styles, languages, and social customs were shared, as well as goods
-cities started to become cultural and artistic centres
-in the 7th century, trade began to shift internationally
-the Arabs began to control international trade
-European governments used trade to increase their wealth
-(the top hats)
-mercantilism was a Eurocentric phenomenon (mercantilism is a theory prevalent in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries asserting that the wealth of a nation depends on its possession of precious metals and therefore that the government of a nation must maximize the foreign trade surplus, and foster national commercial interests, a merchant marine, the establishment of colonies, etc--wealth for monarchs)

What values underlie capitalism?
-according to capitalism, profits are ALWAYS good
-there are varying perspectives on capitalism and the people it benefits
-capitalism is mercantilism for the individual---individual wealth)
-in 18th Century Europe, people wanted change
-alternate economic systems included communism--remember Karl Marx??

Whose values did industrialization reflect?
-England, France, Spain and Belgium were key centres of industrialization
-other European cities became banking and financial centres
-Great Britain became the powerhouse of the industrial revolution
-[textiles---new inventions(the flying shuttle, the spinning jenny and the power loom)]
-weavers were forced to work in factories as a result of new inventions

In what ways did imperialism benefit one people over another?
-during the 1880s a global economy was underway
-the objective was Eurocentric
-trade was CRUCIAL to the success of imperialism
-through trade, the power would increase the wealth which led to greater prestige
-imperialism changed the lives of both indigenous peoples and non-indigenous peoples
-the indigenous peoples were forced to assimilate
-Europeans were incredibly ethnocentric
-one opinion--it was all about the power

Question a)
Where would Canada be without imperialism and globalization? It probably wouldn’t exist, right? A lot of the perspectives involve ethnocentrism, specifically that of the British Empire. Many believed that assimilation was right, that it would change the world for the better.

Question b)
There is a loss of identity and culture, and also a loss of perspective. Human rights changed, and so did the people. Think of reserves. They have serious social issues, like poor schooling, poor facilities, a very problematic history of drug and alcohol use, and violence. They have a problematic history, period. Look at residential schools. They were a huge problem. Think of their past with Europeans. Global consequences could include the Civil War in Sudan, and the Darfur genocide. In Canada, official apologies have been released. Monetary compensation has been made, in the case of residential schools. Indigenous self-government has become a very widespread idea. They govern themselves in their own ways.

Question c)
Look at Eurocentricism. At one point Europeans almost owned the entire world. Slowly, countries gained independence. Some are still trying to gain independence.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

First Diplomatic Posting: Looking Back...

When I think about this, my first though is, "It's over already? That was kinda fast." It's true. Even though we started at the end of October, it seems like it went by really quickly. It's kind of scary to think that I'm almost halfway done grade 10. That means 2 and a half more years until I'm done. WOW! Okay, back to the topic at hand.

For the most part, I'm pretty proud of the work I did in this unit. I learned a lot about myself, and how I see myself. It was really neat. I did a lot of really good writing, and I really am proud of my Identity project. I talked about the changes in my life, and about how they had affected who I was. It was really cool to examine myself, look in the mirror, so to speak, and see who I wanted to be, who I am, looking back at me.

If I could, I would try that Poetry Analysis again. I guess that analyzing poetry isn't a strength of mine. Sure, I understand it. I can write it, but I can't tell you what was going through the author's head when he or she wrote it. I can't tell you why they used the literary devices they used. I can tell you the devices used and how they make the poem or song better, but that's about it.

I'm really impressed with myself. This course is proving to be a challenge, but I love it. Let me get this straight though. I'm not trying to toot my own horn! I just want to say what I think I'm good at, and what I need to work on. That's all I'm trying to do.

P.S. Maybe my next post won't be about Humanities. Maybe it'll be a more personal post.

I interviewed 2 immigrants....and here`s the results

So, I have to say....this was one of my favourite assignments. I learned things about my grandmother I didn't know before, and I got to know a friend a little bit better. Abby is from the Philippines, but spent 10 years in Hong Kong before coming to Canada in 2007, and my grandmother came from England in 1970. 
In talking to these two women that I admire, I learned a little bit about myself as well. Anyways, onto the report!

One of the most interesting questions I had the opportunity to ask was, "What word or phrase summarizes your perception of Canada? Explain." My grandmother said, "Freedom to Choose". She said she chose that because in Canada, life's what you, individually, make it. Your decisions define you more than what you are forced to do. Everything is up to you. Abby, my friend, said, "Beautiful!" She thinks Canada is the prettiest place ever, and I think part of that might be because she loves the snow. She also comes from a fairly impoverished country, so I can understand her finding Canada beautiful.

The other really interesting question I asked was, "How have your travels affected your view of Canada and the Canadian Identity?" Abby said no, because the identities of the places she's been are so very different from that of Canada. My grandmother said that Canada is very friendly. Everyone here is very approachable and accepting, and that everyone has the opportunity to find a home here. She says that there is very little bigotry here, and I have to agree. It goes along with being accepting. In my experience, there is very little prejudice here.

All in all, it was a very interesting assignment, and I learned a lot about what immigrants think about Canada. It was really neat to talk to these women about their opinions on their new (or not so new) home country.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Current Affairs & The Cartoons People Make of Them

The characters in this cartoon are two scientists, and they are studying the event of climate change. The message of the cartoon is that we do need to take better care of our environment. I think this is pretty funny, but I guess not everybody will. One scientist is saying that climate change is being driven by insufficient use of twisty lightbulbs. He's referring to energy saving fluorescent bulbs. I think I agree to some extent. Fluorescent bulbs are better for the environment, but they are a bit more expensive, and not everybody can "waste" money on them, which I can understand.
  The characters in this cartoon are a couple that are from Canada, and they are addressing the issue of global warming as well. The message is that global warming is there, and it affects everyone. The humour is developed by the wife's answer to the husband's question, "Our igloo melted..." Again, I agree to an extent. I'm not sure global warming has become that drastic yet.

A Canadian Song Analysis: Canada's Really Big-The Arrogant Worms

When I look around me,
I can't believe what I see.
It seems as if this country
Has lost it's will to live.
The economy is lousy,
We barely have an army,
But we can still stand proudly
'Cause Canada's really big!

We're the second largest country
On this planet Earth,
And if Russia
Keeps on shrinking,
Then soon we'll be first...
(as long as we keep Quebec).

The USA has tanks,
And Switzerland has banks.
They can keep them, thanks.
They just don't amount,
'Cause when you get down to it
You find out what the truth is.
It isn't what you do with it,
It's the size that counts!

Most people
Will tell you
That France is pretty large,
But you can put
Fourteen Frances
Into this land of ours...
(it'd take a lotta work, it'd take a whole lotta work).

We're larger than Malaysia,
Almost as big as Asia.
We're bigger than Australia,
And it's a continent!
So big we seldom bother
To go see one another,
But we often go to other
Countries for vacation.

Our mountains
Are very pointy.
Our prairies are not.
The rest is
Kinda bumpy,
But, man, do we have a lot.
(we gotta lot of land, we gotta whole lot of land).

So stand up and be proud,
And sing out very loud,
We stand out from the crowd  'cause
Canada's really big!

So, obviously, the main message of this song is that, "Canada's really big!" It's true. Like the song states, Canada is the second largest country in the world, and it's bigger than Australia, which is a continent. I think that's pretty crazy. 
The song states that we should be proud of our country, and I think that means that we need to be patriotic. Everybody thinks that the grass is greener on the other side, you know? I. personally, think we've got it pretty good here. We have lots. Many countries don't have even have half of what we have here. We have a lot of space. We're not overcrowded, like many Asian countries. The weather here really isn't all that bad. We have yet to experience a natural disaster that reaches the magnitudes like that of Haiti, Chile, or Thailand. Our lives are happy, for the most part. 
One of the videos of this song mentioned that the Arrogant Worms were asked to sing "O Canada" at an athletic event of some kind, and they felt that they needed to sing something different, something that stated (kind of) what Canada represented to them. I think it did a pretty good job. It is a pretty patriotic song, and let's face it, after repeating "O Canada" every day in elementary school, and then at every school event later on, it can get kind of repetitive. I'm not saying I dislike "O Canada". I'm saying that songs like these allow for a change. It doesn't always have to be the national anthem. 
This song is great, and it does explain Canada pretty well. I'm pretty sure if I was supposed to describe Canada for a young child who had never been here, I'd sing this song. It just fits. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Literary Devices Found In Fiddler on the Roof

Literary Devices Found In Fiddler on the Roof
Literary Device
Where Found
-the Fiddler represents each person in Anatevka. They are trying to stay balanced, like a fiddler, using tradition.
-the pots represent the life that the family will be leaving behind.
-pg. 2(Act 1: Prologue)
-pg.152(Act 2: Scene 8)
-pogrom is alluded to when the constable has a brief conversation with Tevye
-the eviction of the Jewish community in Rajanka is alluded to by Avram
-pg. 53(Act 1: Scene 5)
-pg. 25(Act 1: Scene 2)
 -the Fiddler-also a metaphor. He is compared to every person in the village of Anatevka.
- Hodel and Perchik dance at the wedding. It is a metaphor for what could be called courtship or dating.
-pg. 2(Act 1: Prologue)
-pg. 98-99(Act 1: Scene 10)
-when Tzeitel is compared to Fruma-Sarah.
-when Motel is compared to King Solomon in one of the Tradition reprises.
-pg. 60-61(Act 1: Scene 6)
-pg. 67(Act 1: Scene 6)
-Tevye is an allegory. He represents the common man.
-Tevye’s bible references, specifically when he talks about the chicken.
-entire play
-pg. 31(Act 1: Scene 2)
-Tevye’s horse is given human traits. Tevye says his horse becomes lame and loses his shoe deliberately so that he can rest.
-Anatevka. In the song, Anatevka is given the characteristics of being underfed, overworked, and obstinate.
-pg. 20(Act 1: Scene 2)
-pg. 144( Act 2: Scene 7)
-the nightmare. Fruma-Sarah’s anger provides great imagery. You can see her sneaking in by night to choke Tzeitel.
-“Miracle of Miracles”-you can see the wall falling down in Jericho and the Red Sea parting
-pg. 80-81( Act 1: Scene 7)
-pg. 70( Act 1: Scene 6)
-the eviction of the Jewish communities in many Ukrainian towns and villages
-the conversation between Tevye and the Constable
-pg. 25(Act 1: Scene 2)
-pg. 51-54( Act 1: Scene 5)


Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Chavaleh"- In Response to Fiddler on the Roof

Little Bird, Little Chaveleh,
I don't understand whats happening today.
Everything is all a blur.
All I can see is a happy child,
The sweet little bird you were.
Chaveleh, Chaveleh.

Little Bird, Little Chaveleh,
You were always such a pretty little thing,
Everybody's favorite child.
Gentle and kind and affectionate,
The sweet little bird you were.
Chaveleh, Chaveleh.

I'm not sure why I love this song so much, but I do. It speaks to me. Maybe I love it because it reminds me of myself. I think that Tevye and Chava were very close, and that relationship between father and daughter reminds me of myself and my father. My father has always reminded me of Tevye, since I first saw this musical and really understood it. I must have been about 10, and Tevye was a lot like my own father, so much so, that I felt I needed to identify with a daughter of his. When I saw the movie again when I was 13, I realized that I was more like Chava than I had originally thought. She is the one that loves to read, but also is incredibly smart. She is a child at heart to some degree, but she also seems way more mature than her years.

This song is sung by Tevye, and he seems to be very emotional while singing. He's upset, and rightfully so. His daughter, his "Chavaleh", abandoned tradition, and married someone not of her faith. It almost seems that Chava is Tevye's favourite of his five daughters, which may be wrong, but also makes sense. She's Tevye's  baby girl. Tevye probably feels that she is the one that is most likely to make a difference, or make something of herself, something that isn't really possible.  

I think this song definitely adds to the musical. It's not all happiness in real life, and this musical proves it. There aren't necessarily happy endings, and in Chava's case, sometimes the rest of your life may not involve those you love. She is disowned by her family, and moves away with Fyedka. This song helps to illustrate just how depressing something like that would be. This song will probably always be my favourite, and I thought I'd share it with the world.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Identity & Globalization: A Logo

The book and the pen represent the fact that I'm a writer, and I love to read. They represent the fact that the written word travels, and it is translated so that all of us may read it at one point or another.

The picture depicting the music note represents my love for music. It shows that music is the international language, and it doesn't matter if you understand the words, as long as the music makes you feel something.

The picture of the old camera represents my love of photography, but at the same time, it represents the beauty of this world that can be found anywhere. There are no language barriers when it comes to photography.

Finally, my name appears on my logo because it is obviously a big part of my identity, but it also comes from both Hebrew and Japanese roots, proving that names are international.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Humanities 10: A Reflection

It's a little bit hard for me to explain just what Humanities has been like so far. I really enjoy the fact that it is a challenging class. Nothing is easy, and I like that. I don't want to coast through high school without any challenges. I want my marks to be earned, meaning I want to actually work for them, and that's what this class is all about.

I feel that I have many strengths in this class, but also a few weaknesses. In this class, I am able to use my love of writing. I actually have to think in this class, which is fantastic, because I have a mind that needs to be used, and challenged. I am able to work independently, but also in a group, which is a new experience, but something I feel will help me to develop as a student. So far, it has proven to be a strength, since I have been able to lead, but also to follow, which will help me later in life. Along with these strengths come weaknesses. I have to be creative, which is something I still struggle with. I have to find new, innovative ways to express myself, which is proving to be a challenge, but something that I will work on. I have had to follow, which is something I'm still learning to do. I'm used to taking charge, but I'm learning to follow directions from others, which is something that will benefit me now, and later on. This class is going to help me in so many ways. I can see the improvements already!

I'm supposed to talk about my successes and concerns, but all I can think of at the moment are the successes. This blog is a success. It's my new creative outlet, and I think I love it! My writing is a success, but then again, it always has been. I think that the class as a whole has been a success, including the group work, and all the assignments. It combines many different ways to learn about ourselves and the world around us, and it's really amazing. This class has changed how I view the world around me, and has helped me to see how the choices of those around me, even those I do not know, change me and my life.

In one sentence, Humanities is a challenging course that will help me now, and in the future, as well as a course that will change my outlook on life and the world around me.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Unexamined Life

The street sign with PASSION written on it represents my personality. I am a very passionate person, about a lot of things, and it directs a lot of the aspects of my life, hence the street sign.

The statue of the Angel Moroni represents my religion and spirituality. Despite being a called “Mormon”, I find myself drawn to Moroni, who was a prophet of old. His words have helped me throughout my life, and I love that his horn points toward the future gathering place of the Saints.

The Union Jack represents my ethnicity. I am 2nd generation Canadian, and my British ancestors are a big part of my life. They are what I come from. Their choice to move here changed our lives, but I still love the British part of me.

The “Welcome to Lacombe” sign represents my experiences. One of the most impacting experiences in my life was moving to Lacombe. It changed me, and parts of my personality. I’ve never been a small town girl, and yes, Lacombe is still a small town in my eyes, so it took a lot of adjusting, but in the end, I’m glad that life brought me here.

The piano spread with rose pedals is the arts. I play piano, love music and photography, and just love art in general. This picture is a perfect representation of the aspects of the arts that affect me most. 

Bibliography (2010). Moroni(prophet). Retrieved October 13, 2010, from Absolute Astronomy:
Johnson, M. (2007, June 19). booksblog: In Search of the Great British Novel. Retrieved October 13, 2010, from
Photobucket. (2010). Find Stuff//Keyboard or Piano Pictures. Retrieved October 13, 2010, from Photobucket:
SparkTalk. (2010, April 26). Defining The "Renaissance Personality". Retrieved October 13, 2010, from CAREEREALISM:
The Town of Lacombe. (1996-2000). Business. Retrieved October 13, 2010, from Town of Lacombe:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Strong Visceral Connection

"Music is a total constant. That's why we have such a strong visceral connection to it, you know? Because a song can take you back instantly to a moment, or a place, or even a person. No matter what else has changed in you or the world, that one song stays the same, just like that moment."
— Sarah Dessen

I came across this quote the other day, and I realized just how much it made me think of myself. I first read the book it came from a few years ago, but I didn't realize then how much I relate to this quote. Each individual sentence in this quote relates to me in some way. Let me break it down for you.

"Music is a total constant." It is. In my life, the only thing that changes consistently with me is music. My musical taste changes as I grow, and the meaning of lyrics only become deeper with time. However, I will never get to a point where I hate music. For example, the song Better That We Break by Maroon 5 has a very deep meaning to me. The line that means the most is this, "I’m not fine, I’m in pain. It’s harder everyday. Maybe we’re better off this way? It’s better that we break…" This song has always meant something to me, but when my maternal grandparents split up, it became a constant in my life. I couldn't sleep without listening to it for about three months. The lyrics previously quoted helped me to realize that I wasn't alone in this. My burden had been shared by many. I wasn't the only one to experience the split of loved ones. Now, it means something a little bit different, but its still a constant. That song doesn't change, my interpretation does. Like Mika said, "This is my interpretation, and it don't, don't, make sense."

"That's why we have such a strong visceral connection to it, you know?" First off, visceral is defined as having to do with coarse or base emotions, or to proceed from instinct rather than intellect. What this means is that music makes us think, and makes us feel very basic, nevertheless, strong emotions. In order to feel these emotions, we have to understand what the artist is saying, and yes, musicians are artists. Mayday Parade writes, "And I hope this makes you happy now, that the flame we had is burning out. And I hope you like your pictures facing down, as even broken hearts may have their doubts." They're being a bit sarcastic here. They don't care what you think. They are over the hurt, and they want nothing to do with you, whoever you are. 

"Because a song can take you back instantly to a moment, or a place, or even a person." This especially rings true for me. When I hear the song Grace Kelly by Mika, I think back to when I was in grade six. I was being bullied, and I was really far away from my extended family. You have to understand that my family is incredibly close, so I struggled. The song is basically saying that I will be who I am, and you can bash that, and try to change me, but I won't change for you. This song changed my outlook on my life at that point in time. I became quite a bit happier. I became more comfortable with who I was. This song came to me when I needed, and whenever I hear it, that is what I am reminded of. Another song that came to me exactly when I needed it was David Bowie's As The World Falls Down, from the 1986 motion picture Labyrinth, starring David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly. I grew up with this movie. It has been my favourite for as long as I can remember. It wasn't until I was 14 that I really listened to this song though. "As the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you. Every thrill has gone, wasn't too much fun at all, but I'll be there for you, as the world falls down." This song makes me think of all the people that have been there for me through the years. People like my parents, my grandparents, my cousins, aunts, uncles, and various other family members. People like my best friend, and all of my other friends. This song is like a wake up call. I am not alone. I never will be. 

"No matter what else has changed in you or the world, that one song stays the same, just like that moment."This pretty much sums up my thoughts. That song never changes, even if you do. The only things that change are your interpretations of the lyrics, which can change continuously. I've loved this song for years. "How do you think I'm gonna get along without you when you're gone?" In Another One Bites the Dust, I'm pretty sure the boys of Queen aren't saying what I interpret the lyrics to mean. I think it means that you're not sure how to go on without a loved one, be it a friend, a family member, or a significant other. That song never changes for me, but the lyrical meaning does. As I grow up, the meaning changes for me.

To quote Abba, "Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing. Thanks for all the joy they're bringing. Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty? What would life be? Without a song or a dance what are we? So, I say thank you for the music, for giving it to me." I'm incredibly thankful for music, and I could not live without it.